Insist on Authentic Golden Asia Products for Unmatched Quality!
To our valued customers,
We would like to inform you that Hydraulic International Co., Ltd. ( is NOT a customer of Golden Asia Industrial Co., Ltd., nor have we sold any products to this company. It has come to our attention that Hydraulic International Co., Ltd. has been using counterfeit mill certificates to deceive their clients into believing they are purchasing products from Golden Asia.
This fraudulent activity damages Golden Asia's reputation and undermines the high-quality image of our hard chrome plated rods and hydraulic cylinder tubes. To ensure you receive genuine Golden Asia hard chrome piston rods and cylinder tubes, we recommend you to purchase directly from Golden Asia or verify with us.
For any inquiries or to confirm the authenticity of your products, please contact us directly.
Thank you for your continued trust and support.
Golden Asia Industrial Co., Ltd.
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