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1999FoundedG.A was founded in April and registered.
2001CertifiedCertified ISO-9001 Quality Management Certification
2004ESTABLISHED SECOND FACTORYEstablished 2nd plant (3300m2) in Da-Tsung Industry District,Changhua,Taiwan
2006CERTIFIED ROHSG.A products were compliant with the limits of RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC.
2007Certified ISO-14001Certified ISO-14001 Environmental Management Certification.General Manager Mr. Fang, Chien-Tien, has been elected Chairman of Chinese Fluid Power Association
2008ESTABLISHED FACTORY IN CHINAG.A tended to extend China market. G.A built Don-Tai Plant in Jiangsu Province, which was named as "Jiangsu Top Wealth Transmission Machinery Co., Ltd".G.A product has passed PFOS-free and PFOA-free test. (Proudct contained PFOS or PFOA substances was forbidded in European Union)
2009ESTABLISHED THIRD FACTORY AND RAISING STAR AWARDG.A was awarded as"12th Raising Star Award" held by MINISTRY of ECONOMIC AFFAIR.G.A was awarded as“The Best Company” held by Association of Industrial Relations, Taiwan.Started to build G.A 3rd plant (10000m2) in Huatan,Changhua,Taiwan.
2010The Model of Taiwan EntrepreneurGeneral manager of G.A, Mr. Fang Chien-Tien, was awarded as ‘The Model of Taiwan Entrepreneur’by Taiwan government.
2012The Outstanding Enterprise ManagerGeneral manager of G.A was awarded as "The Outstanding Enterprise Manager between Taiwan and China".
2013Cooperation AgreementG.A and Germany company Salzgitter Mannesmann Precision Company made an agreement for cooperation.
2014ADVANCED PATENT AND TRADEMARK OF PACKAGINGRed and white paper tube packaging is a trademark of Golden Asia, registered in Taiwan.All plants were integrated with an Enterprise Resource Planning system and SFT plant tracking systemG.A developed modern hard chrome plated machine, which is automatic chromed and got the invention patent from Intellectual Property Office.
2015FOSTER FUTURE LEADERSG.A signed the Industry-Academy Collaboration contract with Chienkuo Technology University, to foster the future leaders.G.A China factory (Jiangsu Top Wealth) Capital increased by USD 1,000,000.
2016Best supplierParker Taiyo awarded the best supplier to Golden Asia
2017CertifiedCertified TÜV Rheinland CertificationGolden Asia capital was increased by USD 2,700,000Certified ISO-50001 Energy Management Certification
2018CASS testIntroduced the testing instrument of the resistance to corrosion for CASS test
2019industry 4.0-smart factoryAdopted industry 4.0-smart factory to improve manufacturing processes and production efficiency
20202020 D & B TOP 1000 ELITE SME AWARDGolden Asia was awarded as top 1000 elite SME for three years in a row.
2021Potential Taiwan Mittelstand AwardGolden Asia was awarded as “Potential Taiwan Mittelstand Award” (Taiwan SMEs) held by MINISTRY of ECONOMIC AFFAIR,TAIWAN.
2023CertifiedCertified ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management certification.
Establishment & Development